Engage With Fans Through Travel
Generate revenue at no cost to you OR your fans.
Looking to be a FanPlans brand ambassador affiliate? Find those details here.
By working with FanPlans as your official fan travel provider you:
Boost ticket sales by guiding fans to the best deals.
Generate revenue at no cost to your organization.
Give fans the best available rates for travel anywhere.
Maintain official travel supplier partner relationships.
Get even better exclusive rates if they choose to be a free site member).
We provide all customer service (no staff time required)
Need a white label option under your brand? Let's talk!
How to sign-up:
1. Sign-up online or request a demo to discuss details.
2. We'll create your branded Fanplans.com page where your fans can become members and book their future travel.
3. Promote our service to your members with a simple link.
4. We provide all customer support for bookings (no heavy lifting on your part).
5. You'll earn revenue on every booking, paid directly every quarter.